Went up north with a couple of friends and their families.
Went to the beach everyday, saw some beautiful sunsets
(when it wasn't cloudy and cold... typical NZ summer),
played tennis, played pictionary & scrabble, made 834 paper cranes (to send to Hiroshima),
watched Melancholia and TinTin, ate copious amounts of chocolate,
got some extreme tan lines, made a fortified sand castle,
walked on the beach until it was nearly pitch black, went fishing,
drew a little, read Mockingjay and Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest,
played dance central...
I will post photos of the holiday in it's entirety soon.
But for now, here are photos taken at Thornton Bay, Thames.
The sunset was this really light, soft pink.
Thought it appropriate to wear my new peach shirtdress from ASOS hehe
And below is my friend, the photographer.
I think the photos turned out well because of her!
She can take some mean photos, that one ;)
She invited me to this holiday with her fam, too, so I owe her big time.
Big, big time.